A woman had her fudge recipe engraved on her tombstone. It was her signature dish. As Christians, we gather around the Lord’s table for Communion. United Methodist Christians practice what’s called “open table.” John googled it and it doesn’t have to do with restaurants. When it comes to Communion, it’s something that reminds us of the grace of God. And it influences how we understand the work of the church.
- Fudge recipe on her tombstone: https://www.upworthy.com/funny-tombstone-fudge-recipe
- Catholic Church considers communion eligibility: https://www.npr.org/2021/06/18/1007794929/catholic-bishops-abortion-biden-communion
- This Holy Mystery: https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/resources/this-holy-mystery-a-united-methodist-understanding-of-holy-communion
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